
God has given us pastor/teachers "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ"(Ephesians 4:11-12). The Greek word in the Bible for "pastor" actually means "shepherd" because pastors are called by God to care for the people of God in the same way that a shepherd cares for his sheep (1 Peter 5:2-3). Other words in the Bible that are used to describe the Office of Pastor are "elder/presbyter" (Acts 20:17; 1 Peter 5:1; Titus 1:5) and "overseer/bishop" (Acts 20:28; 1 Timothy 3:1-2; Titus 1:7). 

上帝赐予我们牧师/教师,"为要成全圣徒,各尽其职,建立基督的身体"(以弗所书 4:11-12)。《圣经》中 "牧师 "一词的希腊文实际上是 "牧人 "的意思,因为牧师蒙神呼召,要像牧人照顾羊群一样照顾神的子民(彼得前书 5:2-3)。《圣经》中用来描述牧师职位的其他词语还有 "长老"(使徒行传 20:17;彼得前书 5:1;提多书 1:5)和 "监督"(使徒行传 20:28;提摩太前书 3:1-2;提多书 1:7)。


Pastor 牧师


James Li come from mainland China, and grew up in a Christian family. During his university years, he met his wife, Wendy at the campus Christian fellowship. After graduating, Wendy dedicated herself to campus evangelism ministry, while James involved in pastoral ministry. They got married in 2011. Following their marriage, Wendy gradually shifted her focus to their family, investing her energy into supporting James in his pastoral work and raising their four lovely children. James Li is a teaching elder of the Presbyterian Church in America. In addition to his daily pastoral ministry, James continues to be sharpened through the Doctor of Ministry program at Reformed Theological Seminary. What ignites his passion is witnessing the Gospel spread like dandelion seeds carried by the wind, where the seeds of the Gospel take root and new churches are planted within communities. And then, just like dandelion seeds, the Gospel spreads again as it emanates from the newly planted churches...(1Thessalonians 1:2-10)  

李轩来自中国大陆,在基督徒家庭成长。大学期间,他在校园基督教团契认识了妻子文娟。毕业后,文娟致力于校园福音事工,而李轩则参与教牧事工。他们于 2011 年结婚。之后,文娟逐渐将工作重心转移到家庭上,将精力投入到支持李轩的牧会和抚养他们四个可爱的孩子身上。李轩是美洲长老会的教导长老。除了日常的教牧工作,他还在改革宗神学院的教牧博士课程中不断磨砺自己。李轩的热忱所在,就是见证福音如同蒲公英种子一样随风飘散,福音的种子在那里生根发芽,新的教会被建立起来。然后,就像蒲公英的种子一样,福音又从新建立的教会中传播开来......(帖撒罗尼迦前书 1:2-10)