

As the Chinese immigrant population in the Atlanta metropolitan area continues to expand, we are presented with a growing mission field. The timing is ripe to plant a new Chinese church. With the support of Northwest Georgia Presbytery and Hope Presbyterian Church, Atlanta Covenant Church (PCA) is launched, and this church is willing to be a source of the Gospel to these new Chinese immigrants, training them in sound doctrine to become disciples of Jesus and passionately engaging in church planting.


Atlanta Covenant Church is Church Planting Ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America. The church adheres to the principles outlined in the Westminster Confession of Faith, as well as the Westminster Larger and Shorter Catechisms. Its operations are guided by the Book of Church Order, which provides a framework for governance and worship.


ACC is also part of City Lights Church Planting Network, which is a gospel-centered movement that aims to reach the Chinese community in North America through church planting. City Lights are a network of pastors from different churches who share a common burden and passion to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Chinese immigrants. The vision is to establish healthy, gospel-centered, and multiplying churches in major cities and college towns.

亚特兰大华人恩约教会也是城市之光教会植堂网络(City Lights Church Planting Network)的一部分,该网络是一个以福音为中心的运动,旨在通过植堂向北美的华人社区传福音。城市之光是一个由来自不同教会的牧师组成的网络,他们有一个共同的负担和热情,那就是向中国移民宣讲耶稣基督的福音。其异象是:在大城市和大学城建立健康、以福音为中心、倍增的教会。

ACC exists to make disciples who love Jesus, his Word and his Church through the ordinary means of grace. We gather for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. You can learn more by clicking here: Worship. Whether you have been a follower of Christ for years and are seeking a Biblical, Gospel-centered church or you have no idea what it means to be a follower fo Christ you are welcome at ACC!

 亚特兰大华人恩约教会的存在是为了通过寻常的蒙恩管道使人成为爱耶稣、爱祂的话语和爱祂的教会的门徒。我们每周日上午 9:00 聚在一起做礼拜。点击这里了解更多信息: 崇拜。无论您是跟随耶稣多年的基督徒,希望寻找一个符合圣经、以福音为中心的教会,还是您对基督教尚未认识,亚特兰大华人恩约教会都欢迎您!