Atlanta Covenant Church and Reformation Translation Fellowship are partnering to host regular book club events. We invite you to join us in reading great books, tackling monumental works, and engaging in dialogues with the wisdom of ancient saints. For more information, please refer to the church poster. We warmly welcome your participation! 亚特兰大华人恩约教会与改革宗翻译社合作,定期开展读书会活动。我们邀请您一起阅读优秀的书籍,挑战经典巨著,与伟大古圣先贤展开对话。具体详情请查看教会海报,我们热烈欢迎您的加入!
What Makes RTF Different?
The doctrinal basis of the RTF is the Reformed understanding of Christianity as set forth in the Westminster Standards (Confession of Faith, Larger Catechism, and Shorter Catechism) and the Three Forms of Unity (Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Canons of Dordt). 改革宗翻译社神学教义的基础是基督教改革宗神学,就如威敏斯特标准(西敏)—(包括信仰告白,大要理问答与小要理问答),以及三个合一的信条,包括比利时信条,海德堡要理问答与多特信经。