ACC exists to make disciples who love Christ, His Word and His Church through the ordinary means of grace. This includes our youngest members! 亚特兰大华人恩约教会的存在是为了通过寻常的蒙恩管道,培养热爱耶稣基督、祂的话语、以及祂的教会的门徒,这当然包括我们教会当中最年轻的成员!

Children Sunday Worship 儿童主日崇拜

Atlanta Covenant Church encourage the children of the church to attend our coporate worship service. 亚特兰大华人恩约教会鼓励教会的儿童参加我们的公共崇拜。

At ACC we believe that God has made a covenant with his people and that covenant includes special promises to the children of believers. Because of this we gladly welcome children into our worship service! We believe that children learning to worship along with their church family is a great joy and privilege and we would be delighted to have your family join us for worship! 在亚特兰大华人恩约教会,我们相信上帝与祂的子民立约,其中包括对信徒子女的特别应许。因此,我们非常欢迎儿童参加我们的崇拜!我们相信,孩子们学会与教会家人一起敬拜是一件非常喜乐和荣幸的事情,我们非常欢迎您的家人加入我们的敬拜!

Why should children attend the worship service? 为什么儿童应该参加崇拜?

1. Our children are members of the covenant community (the church): Corporate Worship on Sunday morning is the primary activity the covenant community engages in together (Acts 2:42; Ephesians 10:24-25). Therefore, our children as members of this community should be included in this crucial aspect of covenantal life. 我们的孩子是圣约团体(教会)的成员: 主日早晨的集体崇拜是立约团体共同参与的主要活动(使徒行传 2:42;以弗所书 10:24-25)。因此,作为这个团体的成员,我们的孩子也应该参与到这一重要的圣约生活中。

2. Our children will be present in the midst of the means of grace: Our children benefit by being where the Word is preached (Romans 10:14), the sacraments are administered (Matthew 28:19-20), and corporate prayer is practiced (Acts 2:42-47). These are the chief means by which God pours out grace upon His people. Why knowingly rob our children of this blessing?! 我们的孩子将置身于蒙恩管道: 我们的孩子会在宣讲(罗马书 10:14)、举行圣礼(马太福音 28:19-20)和公共祷告(使徒行传 2:42-47)当中受益。这些都是上帝向祂的子民施恩的主要途径。为什么要明知故犯地让我们的孩子失去这种祝福呢?

3. Our children will be present in the midst of the entire congregation: Our children benefit greatly by being in the presence of Christians of various ages. They are able to see that the faith of their parents is not a faith that they own alone, but is a faith that is important to all of these people who are gathered around them on Sunday morning. This only reinforces what Mom and Dad are modeling and teaching when they see this incredible gathering of people reading the Word together, praying together, confessing together, and singing together (Deuteronomy 31:9-13). 我们的孩子将与全体会众在一起: 我们的孩子在不同年龄的基督徒面前丰富受益。他们能够看到,父母的信仰不是他们个人的信仰,而是所有这些星期天早上聚集在他们周围的人的信仰。当他们看到人们聚集在一起读经、祷告、悔改和歌唱时,这只会强化爸爸妈妈的示范和教导(申命记 31:9-13)。

4. Our children will be present with their parents: Worshipping together as a family helps to counter the current trend in our society of fragmenting our families. If our children join us in worship from four years of age until they are eighteen they will worship with their parents in 780 Sunday morning worship services! Think about the cumulative effect of a family worshipping together, in the midst of the means of grace, meeting with God for 780 Sundays in a row. 我们的孩子将与父母在一起: 以家庭为单位一起做礼拜有助于抵制当前社会中家庭分裂的趋势。如果我们的孩子从四岁一直到十八岁都参加我们的崇拜,那么他们将与父母一起参加 780 次主日早上的崇拜!想想一个家庭在恩典中一起敬拜,连续 780 个主日与神相会的累积效应吧。

5. Our children will witness their parents worshipping: It is the Biblical role of parents to disciple their children in the faith (Deut. 6; Psalm 78; Eph. 6). What a benefit there is when children witnesses their mother or father singing with conviction, praying in reverence, listening intently to the sermon, or receiving the Lord’s Supper in joy. In these moments a child witnesses the importance of faith and worship. There are few greater encouragements to a child’s faith then seeing their parents worship God with reverence and joy. (Exodus 12:1-28; Deut. 4:9-11; Deut. 6; Psalm 78; Ezra 10:1; Nehemiah 12:43; Joel 2:12-17; Acts 16:33). 我们的孩子会目睹父母敬拜: 父母的圣经角色是在信仰上对子女进行门徒训练(申命记 6;诗篇 78;以弗所书 6)。当孩子们看到他们的父亲或母亲充满信心地歌唱、虔诚地祷告、专注地听讲道或喜乐地领受主的圣餐时,他们会受益匪浅。在这些时刻,孩子见证了信仰和敬拜的重要性。没有什么比看到父母带着敬畏和喜乐敬拜上帝更能鼓励孩子的信仰了。(出埃及记 12:1-28;申命记 4:9-11;申命记 6;诗篇 78;以斯拉记 10:1;尼希米记 12:43;约珥书 2:12-17;使徒行传 16:33)。

6. Our children will learn the rhythms of church life: Teenagers in our culture often balk at attending corporate worship. But how many of our teenagers have we setup for this reaction, because we did not consistently include them in worship until they were a teenager? If attending church for years has always meant coloring Bible pictures, singing songs to a cd, playing games, and doing crafts—then we should not be surprised that our young people find worship to be odd, uncomfortable, and even boring. I love good children’s songs—they ring through my house. I love good children’s Christian crafts—they decorate my study. But if this alone is the rhythm of church life we have set up for our children week in and week out, we have done them a great disservice. They must see, know, and learn that the singing of the great hymns of the faith, the preaching of the Word, reading of confessions, corporate prayers, etc. is anything but boring. It is the gathered life of the community of faith. It is our weekly rhythm—appointed by God, designed by Him, established for the ages—this is what we want them to know, because we want them to know and worship Him. 我们的孩子将学习教会生活的节奏: 在我们的文化中,青少年往往不愿意参加集体敬拜。但是,有多少青少年的这种反应是我们设置的,因为在他们十几岁之前,我们并没有坚持让他们参加敬拜?如果多年来参加教会聚会总是意味着给圣经图画涂色、对着 CD 唱歌、玩游戏和做手工,那么我们就不应该对年轻人觉得敬拜古怪、不舒服甚至无聊感到惊讶。我喜欢好听的儿歌--它们在我家里响彻云霄。我喜欢好的儿童基督教手工艺品--它们装点着我的书房。但是,如果我们周而复始地为孩子们安排的教会生活仅仅是这样的节奏,那我们就太对不起他们了。他们必须看到、知道并学会,唱信仰中的赞美诗、讲道、诵读信条、公共祷告等活动并不枯燥乏味。这是信仰团体的聚会生活。这是我们每周的节奏--由神指定、由神设计、为历代所确立--这是我们希望他们知道的,因为我们希望他们认识神、敬拜神。

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Children Sunday School 儿童主日学

Our goal is first and foremost to teach children the great truths of the Scriptures and communicate the hope of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. We also want children to feel warmly welcomed to our church and have the opportunity to develop friendships with one another. The Children’s Sunday School classes use “Show Me Jesus” Sunday school curriculum published by Great Commission Publications. This is a graded Bible curriculum that teaches children to know and understand the great story of God’s redeeming work though His Son Jesus Christ. Each year children hear stories from the Old and the New Testaments.  Bible instruction, singing, prayer, Scripture memory work, follow up activities and discussions are a part of every Sunday School class time at every age and grade level. 我们的首要目标是教导孩子们圣经真理,以及主耶稣基督福音的盼望。我们也希望孩子们能感受到教会的热情欢迎,并让孩子们之间有机会建立友谊。儿童主日学班使用大使命出版社出版的 "让我看见耶稣 "主日学课程。这是一个分级圣经课程,教导孩子们认识和理解上帝通过他的儿子耶稣基督所做的救赎工作的伟大故事。每年,孩子们都会听到新旧约中的故事。 圣经教学、唱诗、祷告、经文记忆、跟进活动和讨论是每个年龄段和年级的主日学课程的一部分。