Life Groups are small groups of people throughout our city committed to abiding in Christ, caring for each other, and proclaiming the Gospel to those who are far from God. We are united as a diverse spiritual family, moving toward Jesus in intimacy and with him on mission. 团契小组是委身在基督里生活,彼此关怀,并向那些远离上帝的人宣讲福音的人组成的团体。我们不同,但在灵里合一,带着使命,共同跟随耶稣。
In Life Groups, we dedicate space in our lives to know and be known by others as we pursue Christ together. As a community, we pursue the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit and learn to increasingly live under the functional authority of the Bible. We are passionate about having an undistracted love for God and his supernatural purposes in our groups and wherever he sends us. 在团契小组中,我们共同跟随基督,在这过程中认识他人并被他人所认识。作为一个团体,我们追求圣灵的大能同在,并在生活中越来越多地顺服在《圣经》的权威之下。我们热衷于在我们的小组和祂差遣我们去的任何地方,对上帝和祂的旨意怀有真挚的爱。