Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday morning (Matthew 28:1-3; Mark 16:2-6; Luke 24:1-7; John 20:1-9) and every week since then Christians have gathered together every Sunday morning (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2) to hear the Word of God. 耶稣是在一个星期天的早晨从死里复活的(马太福音28:1-3;马可福音16:2-6;路加福音24:1-7;约翰福音20:1-9),从那时候开始,基督徒每周都会在星期天的早晨聚集在一起(使徒行传20:7;哥林多前书16:2),聆听上帝的话语。
As "Gospel People" we gather on the day that Jesus rose to remember His life, death, and resurrection by hearing His Word read, proclaimed, and taught. 作为 "福音之人",我们在耶稣复活的主日聚集在一起,通过聆听诵读、宣讲和教导耶稣的话语来纪念他的生命、受难和复活。
Sunday Service 主日崇拜
During our Service of the Word, after a time of singing "psalms and hymns and spiritual songs" (Ephesians 5:19), the Bible is read aloud and then one of our pastors proclaims a message of exhortation from the Bible. Because the Gospel is of first importance (1 Corinthians 15:3-8), every sermon is founded in, driven by, and will conclude with the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ. 主日崇拜,在唱完 "诗章、颂词和灵歌"(以弗所书 5:19)之后,我们会诵读圣经,然后由我们的牧师宣讲经文并勉励众人。由于福音是首要优先的(哥林多前书 15:3-8),因此每次证道都以耶稣基督的福音(好消息)为基础、驱动力和目的。
Sunday School 主日学
Every Sunday morning after our service we usually have a time where we enjoy coffee/tea and other refreshments. We then gather everyone in our Fellowship Hall for Sunday school taught by one of our pastors. The Sunday sermon is usually reserved for the proclamation of Law & Gospel, while the Sunday school is a time of theological instruction in the Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). 每周日崇拜结束后,我们通常会在这里享用茶点。然后,大家会聚集在主日学教室,参加由牧师主讲的课程。主日证道通常是为了宣讲律法和福音,而主日学课程则是提供神学性教导(提摩太后书 3:16-17)。