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Welcome to the sermon series “Finding Jesus in Genesis,” the first book of the Bible that opens the door to our understanding of God and the human story. But have you ever thought that this ancient scripture contains the protoevangelium and that it contains many prophecies and types pointing to the Savior Jesus Christ?
From the miracle of creation to the fall of Adam and Eve, from Noah's ark to Abraham's journey of faith, each story presents an ongoing display of God's care for humanity and his plan of salvation. We will follow these clues to understand God's great plan for the creation of the world and how it unfolded until the coming of the ultimate redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Whether you're already familiar with Bible stories or you're just beginning to explore them, this series will bring you new insights. You will discover that Genesis is not only a story about the past, but also a prophecy about the future. It is a window into God’s plan of love and redemption, with Christ at the center and focus of that plan.
Join us as we learn about God’s amazing works in this series Discovering Jesus in Genesis!
Sermons from this Series
Oct 20
在上帝的信实中寻得安息 Finding Rest in God’s Faithfulness
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 49:29– 50:26 Series: Genesis 创世记
Oct 13
Set Our Mind and Heart to Seek the Lord Our God 立定心志,寻求主我们的神
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 46:1–7 Series: Genesis 创世记
Oct 6
Testing and Repentance 试验与悔改
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 43:1–14 Series: Genesis 创世记
Sep 29
Hardship And Fruitfulness 困苦和昌盛
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 41:1–57 Series: Genesis 创世记
Sep 22
God Is With His People 上帝与祂的百姓同在
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 39:1–23 Series: Genesis 创世记
Sep 15
Judah and Tamar 犹大和他玛
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 38:1–30 Series: Genesis 创世记
Sep 8
What will become of his dreams? 他的梦将来会怎么样呢?
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 37:2–36 Series: Genesis 创世记
Sep 1
Wrestling with God 与神较力
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 32:22–32 Series: Genesis 创世记
Aug 25
The Sovereign God Fulfill His Promise Amazingly 掌权的主奇妙地成就应许
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 29:1–35 Series: Genesis 创世记
Aug 18
God With Us 上帝与我们同在
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 28:10–22 Series: Genesis 创世记
Aug 11
God's Plan Cannot Fail 上帝的计划终究成就
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 27:1–45 Series: Genesis 创世记
Aug 4
God's Grace of Election: Jacob and Esau 上帝拣选的恩典:雅各与以扫
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 25:19–34 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jul 28
God's Amazing Providence: A Bride for Issac 上帝的奇妙供应:以撒娶妻
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 24:1–18, Genesis 24:50–60 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jul 21
God's Faithfulness: The Burial of Sarah 上帝的信实--亚伯拉罕买坟地埋葬撒拉
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 23:1–20 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jul 14
Give of Your Best to the Master 将最好的献恩主
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 22:1–19 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jul 7
God Has Made Laughter for Us 神使我们欢笑
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 21:1–7 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jun 30
God Made Covenant with Abraham 上帝与亚伯拉罕立约
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 17:1–27 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jun 23
Built an Alter for the Lord 为耶和华筑了一座坛
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 11:27– 12:9 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jun 16
The Towel of Babel 巴别塔
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 11:1–9 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jun 9
God Remembers His People 上帝顾念祂的百姓
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 8:1–5, Genesis 8:20–22, Genesis 9:1–17 Series: Genesis 创世记
Jun 2
The Flood of God's Judgement 上帝审判的洪水
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 7:1–24 Series: Genesis 创世记
May 26
The Flood Destruction and Noah Covenant 洪水灭世与挪亚之约
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 6:1–22 Series: Genesis 创世记
May 19
Glimmers of Hope Amidst the Shadow of Death 死亡阴影笼罩下的曙光
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 5:1–32 Series: Genesis 创世记
May 12
The Big Battle Begins 大战拉开序幕
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 4:1–26 Series: Genesis 创世记
May 5
Paradise Lost and he Restoration Hope 失乐园以及恢复的盼望
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 3:1–24 Series: Genesis 创世记
Apr 28
工作和婚姻的神圣目的 April 28 2024
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 2:15–25 Series: Genesis 创世记
Apr 21
创造天地并掌管万有的主宰 April 21 2024
Preacher: James Li Scripture: Genesis 1:1– 2:3 Series: Genesis 创世记