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Can Christians identify as gay? It's a popular question, with answers all over the map. In this edition of Christian Answers to Hard Questions, Dr. David B. Garner talks about the freedom that Christians have from all sorts of enslavement, including sexuality, and how their ultimate identity is rooted in Christ, who is Lord over every part of them. 基督徒可以认定自己是同性恋吗?这是一个很常见的问题,答案五花八门。在这期《基督徒难题解答》中,大卫·B·加纳博士谈到了基督徒从各种捆绑(包括性捆绑)中获得自由,以及他们的终极身份如何植根于基督,基督是他们每一部分的主宰。